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Children come to the first part of the service with their parents. This is a special time of thankfulness, wonder, and celebration that our families can share with the children. Most Sundays, after a time for all ages, the children go with their teachers to the religious education classes. However, on the first Sunday of each month, families remain together for family worship services with our affiliated minister. On third Sundays, children participate in our New Horizons workshops. Children can choose from any age appropriate workshop offered. Children and youth also plan and participate in several multi-generational worship services throughout the year, including: Water Communion, Hanging of the Greens, Fire Communion, Flower Communion, and Family Sundae.
COVID Update: Due to services being virtual at this time families are encouraged to attend Zoom worship services together. Children’s classes are held virtually via Zoom on Thursday evenings.
COVID Update: Due to services being virtual at this time families are encouraged to attend Zoom worship services together. Children’s classes are held virtually via Zoom on Thursday evenings.
The Children’s Chapel (grades K-6) are currently using the Soul Matters Religious Education Curriculum which incorporates the Soul Matters monthly themes. Classes are currently held virtually via Zoom and have a Google Classroom component for reminders, links, and additional resources. Materials are delivered on an as needed.
Students in grades K-2 that meet Thursdays via Zoom from 5:00-5:30.
Students in grades 3-6 that meet Thursdays via Zoom from 6:00-7:00.
Contact our Director of Religious Education, Jess Simon, for details about joining a class ([email protected])
Students in grades K-2 that meet Thursdays via Zoom from 5:00-5:30.
Students in grades 3-6 that meet Thursdays via Zoom from 6:00-7:00.
Contact our Director of Religious Education, Jess Simon, for details about joining a class ([email protected])
The UUCWV youth group is a bunch of really amazing teens who are in grades 7-12. On a regular Sunday we will meet during service and do our own type of small group ministry with each other. It’s a great chance to share your joys and sorrows of the week, as well as catch up with your friends and have some meaningful conversations about a wide variety of topics.
Youth Group members also attend retreats and conventions with other UUs and visit other UU Congregations. Youth also participate in social justice projects in the local community. The youth group is led by our youth adviser and volunteers from the congregation.
Youth Group members also attend retreats and conventions with other UUs and visit other UU Congregations. Youth also participate in social justice projects in the local community. The youth group is led by our youth adviser and volunteers from the congregation.
As our youth transition from the children’s RE classes to the Youth Group and adult worship, we offer a program that explores religious identity and how it relates to community, congregational life, and personal life. This is a mentoring program offered to youth ages 12 to 15 that are interested in some guided self-discovery.
High School seniors will participate in a year-long program marking the transition from youth to young adulthood, culminating in a Bridging Service honoring this transition. The bridging ceremony is an important milestone, not only in the life of an individual, but also in the life of a family and a faith community. It invites parents and congregation members to express their support for the young person's journey while acknowledging the significant changes and feelings the family experiences when a young person moves into adulthood.
UUCWV is proud to offer Our Whole Lives, the sexuality curriculum published by the Unitarian Universalist Association. While we believe the parent is the most important sexuality educator, and that sexuality education begins at home, the partnership of family and religious community can strengthen ethical values: affirming the dignity of each individual, promoting justice for all people, and exercising responsibility in interpersonal relationships. Our Whole Lives is offered to Grades K-1, Grades 4-6, and adults.
Our Faith Development teachers are volunteers from the congregation. Many teach a complete section of the curriculum, while others choose a particular Sunday to help out. The variety of backgrounds and talents that our teachers bring to the classroom adds richness to the children's experience. The teachers often find that they are learning, too, and find this to be a rewarding experience.
Faith Development classes are just a starting point for the children. Parents are encouraged to find out what’s going on in the classroom and continue the discussions and activities at home. Parents are welcome to drop in the classroom or discuss any aspect of faith development with the Faith Development (FD) Committee or the Director Religious Education. We value your input! Parents are also asked to participate in the program through volunteer teaching, curriculum planning, social action projects, and multi-generational events.
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In things Essential, Unity
In things Circumstantial, Liberty In things yet to be, Courage And in all things, Wisdom and Love |