by Isaac Von Rue
There is a current push by many members of the GOP to add voter legislation to the funding bill needed to keep the US government funded past October 1 st . While they claim these measures are necessary to secure our elections, in reality they are designed to make it harder for many to legally vote. The proposed legislation would enact a nationwide requirement that anyone requesting a mail in ballot needs to send a copy of their ID. According to the Brennen center, similar legislation that was enacted in Texas has resulted in voters of color having their mail in ballots rejected over 30% as often as white voters. The proposed legislation would also impose significant restrictions for voters in D.C. such as requiring all mail in ballot drop boxes be located in federal buildings with 24 hour electronic surveillance. In addition, the proposed legislation would also remove the $2 million dollar per donor limit to political parties allowing even more influence from the ultra wealthy in our political system.
by Brian Dugas
The elections are November 5th. If you haven’t verified or registered to vote, do it now while there is still time. No one knows what type of fraud or manipulation that may be tried. Wednesday, September 4th, 6:00PM on Zoom. The first meeting of the NEPA Climate Reality Chapter. At Climate Reality, we recruit, train, and mobilize people of all ages and backgrounds to work for just climate solutions that speed the global transition from dirty fossil fuels to clean, renewable energy. Through our 100-plus US chapters and 11 international branches, we drive change to stop rising temperatures and build a sustainable future for all by: Reducing emissions, Calling Out Greenwashing, Financing a Just Transition, Promoting International Cooperation Lehman Township solar project voted down September 12 - 17 March on Harrisburg, March On Harrisburg works to end corruption and move Pennsylvania from the one of the top most corrupt states into one of the least corrupt by passing a wave of democracy bills to end excessive money in politics, end gerrymandering, and secure and expand the right to vote. (September Collection for a Cause) PA is the 5th most corrupt state
Vote Forward is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization that empowers grassroots volunteers to send handwritten letters encouraging fellow Americans to vote. Vote Forward’s flagship voter contact program trains and supports volunteers writing personal, heartfelt letters to potential voters with an easy-to-use online platform. The majority of our letter-writing campaigns are nonpartisan campaigns, supporting our core 501c(3) and 501c(4) social-welfare mission, which focus on mobilizing potential voters in communities that have historically been marginalized in the political process—such as people of color, women, and young voters. by Lilly Gioia
Here’s a fun fact – on January 10, 1878 the women’s suffrage amendment was first introduced. 42 years later for Tennessee became the 36th and final state granting women the right to vote on August 24, 1920. By the way it passed by the huge majority of one vote! The 19th Amendment permitting women to vote was ratified on August 26th 1920 which has been celebrated as Women’s Equality Day since 1971. 50 years later on August 26, 1970, Betty Friedan and the National Organization for Women organized a nation-wide strike for equality. Women across the political spectrum joined together to demand equal opportunities in employment and education as well as 24-hour child-care centers. This was the largest protest for gender equality in United States' history. There were demonstrations and rallies in more than 90 major cities and small towns. Over 100,000 women participated including 50,000 who marched down 5th Avenue in New York City. Which brings us to August 26, 2024 women’s equality and where are we? New research by the Commonwealth fund in July found that women in the United States face the lowest life expectancy in nearly 20 years! The Commonwealth senior scientist said, “The state of health care for women in this country is in a vulnerable place,” noting big differences across states in women’s ability to access care. American women’s health care has become a political football. On the positive side the Biden administration has invested massive resources as never before in researching women’s life-span health issues like osteoporosis, post menopausal conditions like heart attacks, the #1 killer of women, Alzheimer's disease with 2/3 Alzheimer victims being women. The administration’s is also issuing a new rule to improve maternity care in all hospitals. It’s the first real effort to address America's maternal death rate, that is double that of other industrialized countries. In June the Pennsylvania house passed the protecting access to contraception act –H.B.1140. Nationally republicans have blocked legislation to guarantee the right to birth control no matter where you live. Our pa bill went to the senate for consideration to protect us here no matter what happens in Washington. To celebrate Women’s Equality Day contact your PA senator and ask them support HB1140, Pennsylvania the Protecting Access to Contraception Act. by Brian Dugas
On July 4th, 1776 a group of 56 men gathered in Philadelphia to sign the Declaration of Independence, a short document (1320 words) that explained the principles on which our government was based, and why we should be free of the tyranny of Great Britain. I would like to read one important section. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Some points need to be viewed a little more thoroughly: “All men are created equal”. We know that they were talking about white, landowning men and not including Native Americans, African Americans or women. The struggle for equality and justice for these groups, and many others as well, continues to this very day. In fact many of the rights that have been earned through great sacrifice and determination over the years are at risk once again. “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”. The people of this country are the source of the government’s power. Our elected officials get their power from the consent of the people, not from wealthy donors or corporate sponsors who contribute to political campaigns that serve their best interests. “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government,” Our Founding Fathers were brave enough to risk everything by signing this document as it could be used as evidence of treason by Great Britain, but they signed it regardless of the risks. They knew that it did not establish independence for the colonies, that would have to be won by force. But it did establish the fact that some things are worth fighting for. While our current Declaration of Independence was important in its day, and had a global impact around the world, it is obvious that it needs to be updated to reflect the reality of the country in which we live. That means a Government of the People that is quote “laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness”. Our elected officials are in office with the consent of the people and they are expected to implement our will. When the government becomes destructive of these ends, we have the right and the responsibility to alter or abolish it. We are at another critical point in this country. Just like in July of 1776, many of the freedoms and rights that we cherish the most are at risk. We need to find the courage shown by those original Founding Fathers, and rewrite the Declaration of Independence to include every gender, race, and belief system that collectively makes our country great. We need a new Declaration of Independence that lives up to the enlightened ideals and actually guarantees everyone's Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness. by Brian Dugas
Did you know that January - April of this year is recorded as the warmest in 175 years. April 2024 was the 11th month in a row to be the hottest on record, and that 2024 may be the first year to hit 1.5C of warming. This summer is shaping up to have significant weather patterns due to the record warm ocean temperatures in the Atlantic and La Nina conditions in the Pacific. I'm sure you have noticed the increased number and intensity of significant weather events like tornadoes already this year, and they are expecting a significant hurricane season as well. Things are starting to build momentum and even the most adamant climate deniers will start to notice when it hits them in the pocketbook (insurance rates in Florida). Recently I was contacted by two environmental organizations desiring to start chapters in our area. Over the last few years I have been disappointed at how little environmental activism there has been in NEPA, but I think that is about to change. Anyone wishing to pursue this further can join myself and others as we try to get organized and make an impact on the region. The environment is just one of the reasons that we are seeing the number of refugees worldwide. Violence, economic disparity, and people just searching for a better life all contribute to the refugee problem that is going to get worse. 36.4 million people in the world today are refugees and there are tens of thousands of unaccompanied children in our country. Lancaster County has hundreds of refugees arriving each year. CWS Lancaster will be speaking to us on June 23rd, and they are the recipient of the Collection for a Cause this month. They have a Home Study program that works with children and their sponsors to visit homes, and their caseworkers work with them on goals such as attending school. I asked the person I coordinated the service with if there was anything else we could do to help them. They asked for school supplies. UGI has proposed rate hikes for customers per their notice that are inequitable and unfair. The rate increase for residential customers is planned to be 8.9% per month. For small businesses, the rate hike is 10.8% per month. For the largest businesses and heaviest consumers of electricity, the rate increase is a mere 0.3%. To put this in perspective, if a home customer has a bill of $200/month, the new bill would be $217.18/month. For a small business owner with a bill of $200/month, the new increased bill is $221.60/month. To make the comparison easier, a corporation with a bill of $200/month would see an increase of 6 pennies for a grand total of $200.06. This is unfair to both residential customers and small business owners, as we would carry the burden of the increase, while the ones who are most able to afford the increase, larger businesses, will see barely an increase. Please contact UGI and the Pennsylvania Utility Commission (PUC) by 3/28/2023 to attempt to counter these increases. There are three options for customers to express their concerns:
File a formal complaint. All complaints must be filed with the PUC before 3/28/2023. Send a letter to UGI explaining why you object to the rate increase. The letter can be sent to this address: The Pennsylvania Public Utilities Commission PO Box 3265 Harrisburg, PA 17105 You can also file a letter electronically at Finally, you can be a witness at a public hearing by calling the PUC at 1-800-692-7380. We encourage you to contact your PA House representatives and ask your representatives to support rules that:
1) Give bills with bipartisan sponsorship a timely committee vote. If passed by the committee, the House will give timely votes on the bills. 2) Give legislators at least 24 hours to read any bill prior to a vote. Historically, new bills can be presented and a vote taken one minute later. If anyone is interested in this topic, there's more information at these Spotlight PA and Fair Districts PA links. |
The Social Action Minute
One of the most popular features of our Sunday services is our Social Action Minute. During this time, a member of the Social Action Committee speaks on a topic of their choice in order to bring awareness and a call to action to the members of our Congregation. These are the archives of the Social Action Minutes presented at our Sunday services. If you missed a service, or are interested in the topic, you can revisit it and get information here. Archives
February 2025
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In things Circumstantial, Liberty In things yet to be, Courage And in all things, Wisdom and Love |